an eddy in the bitstream

Month: November 2005 (Page 1 of 2)

Web 2.0

Living in the midwest spares me from rubbing shoulders every day with the buzzword crazies on the coasts. But still, I like to keep tabs on what’s new: I give thanks to the net for that.

Tim O’Reilly has a good summary article on the latest buzzphrase: Web 2.0. Ten years after I got my first email account and started using Netscape to surf the infant web, it’s of historical interest to me to watch folks examining the industry (and themselves) and drawing out the threads.

Spam Hall of Shame

Like you I get 100s of spam messages on a regular basis. Owning your own domain is like raw meat for the buzzing spamming hordes. So I started this little corner of peknet for memorializing the best and worst of what I delete from my mail. (Caveat: my spam filter ensures I don’t see most of the spam; I’m trusting that only the most entertaining and life-like mail actually reaches my inbox. Kind of a pre-screening for the Hall.)

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