an eddy in the bitstream

Month: October 2006 (Page 1 of 2)

They’ve got my number

Those crazy random spam generators appear to have found my number: random sentence fragments about politics and technology seem to fool SpamAssassin and end up in my inbox. Here’s a good one:

My first thought was, its a video web portal, how different can it be? Rick Santorum, left, and Pennsylvania State Treasurer Bob Casey. Foley’s online conversations with teenage male pages, but have largely hunkered down as Republicans beat up each other amid accusations of a less-than-agressive initial response. But in this battle, the only thing left to see is boxing gloves. , figuring out just how bad the collateral damage is going to be for the GOP is akin to trying to guess if the roof is going to blow off of a house in the midst of a storm. Thank you to our event sponsors Backbone Media and BusinessWire. I knew this would be fun! It is a bit too early to say if it is a great service or not, but I have great hopes that it will work out for me.
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