use.perl linked to this interesting metric regarding dynamic language job ads.
an eddy in the bitstream
use.perl linked to this interesting metric regarding dynamic language job ads.
The Top 500 Supercomputers List shows that the U of Minnesota Twin Cities now owns the 7th fastest computer among universities world-wide. Yet the U did not so much as send a press release or post the fact on its website when the computer was installed this summer.
A case of Minnesotan understatement?
SGI seems to have tooted its own horn about the machine. And the HPC press picked up the story. But the UofMN itself made nary a mention. Only the MSI (where I work) mentioned it, as part of its regular newsletter.
You would think that an impressive resource like a supercomputer would be on the list of things the UofMN uses to promote its world-class research facilities. You would think that. But you’d be wrong.
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