A friend tipped me off to this sociologist’s take on Obama and the new evangelical left. Interesting read; make sure you look at the comments too.
an eddy in the bitstream
A friend tipped me off to this sociologist’s take on Obama and the new evangelical left. Interesting read; make sure you look at the comments too.
I had the good fortune to share a train ride with Tim Bunce while leaving OSCON in 2006. We had a nice chat. Just found his blog and talk from this year’s OSCON — the slides are worth a read.
Watching the US VP debate right now.
Sure, Palin is cute. And she has that “sure, heckava lotta” folksy smiles. She keeps appealing to the good ol’ common sense of America, and when she smiles, I can feel red America getting redder.
Biden is kicking her butt. But I’m doubtful that the swing voters are hearing that.
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