You and I know it as charcoal.
The comments give me hope. If such a diverse crowd is reading and commenting at the Tiny Revolution these days, the Revolution is not so Tiny after all.
an eddy in the bitstream
You and I know it as charcoal.
The comments give me hope. If such a diverse crowd is reading and commenting at the Tiny Revolution these days, the Revolution is not so Tiny after all.
For several years I have developed software projects using Perl, pushing them to the shared Perl repository at CPAN. During that time I have maintained my own Trac install at, mostly for the use of the SVN browser, which I find helpful. I’ve started updating the wiki on that site as a home base for my Perl projects. Google suggest to me that I’ve not made that URL public before, so here it is, for the collective memory.
Stumbled across this blog on the psychology of programming via my regular google alert for ‘perl search’. Interesting stuff.
Thanks to the presence of mind of Marcel Grünauer, the Perl community can easily see benchmarks for common Perl accessor packages with App::Benchmark::Accessors.
Here are the numbers on my MacBook Pro with 10.6:
# class_accessor 719424/s # rubyish_attribute 1176471/s # spiffy 1342282/s # class_spiffy 1388889/s # class_accessor_fast 1428571/s # class_accessor_complex 1449275/s # class_accessor_constructor 1470588/s # class_methodmaker 1550388/s # moose 1612903/s # moose_immutable 1612903/s # accessors 1724138/s # mojo 1785714/s # mouse_immutable 1941748/s # mouse 1960784/s # class_accessor_classy 2000000/s # class_accessor_fast_xs 3333333/s # class_xsaccessor 3508772/s # object_tiny_xs 3508772/s # rose 3571429/s # class_xsaccessor_array 3921569/s
Glad to see Rose::Object (with Class::XSAccessor support) near the top of the list. That’s what I chose for Net::LDAP::Class, and I’ll be switching to that for the rest of my projects RSN.
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