PHP lacks proper and complete Unicode support.
Come on people!
an eddy in the bitstream
PHP lacks proper and complete Unicode support.
Come on people!
PHP lacks closures. That is, they are new in 5.3.
As with namespaces, PHP is Way Late to the Game.
Object-relational mappers are a nice way of simplifying data store interactions, by abstracting the data model into a OO class structure. Or put another way, don’t write SQL, write code that is storage agnostic.
my $thing = Thing->new( id => 123 )->load; $thing->foo('bar'); $thing->save; # # the above is mock code # representing something like: # BEGIN TRANSACTION; UPDATE table things SET foo = 'bar' WHERE ID = 123; END TRANSACTION;
I’ve used a couple of different Perl ORMs over the last four years with great joy: DBIx::Class and (mostly) Rose::DB::Object. Now I’m looking for a suitable PHP project for my toolbelt.
Wikipedia has a good starting list.
Some contenders include:
I’m ramping up my PHP-fu, keeping this log of things I learn.
Many thanks to this FOSS project for making my old printer play nicely with our new Macs.
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