
an eddy in the bitstream

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HTML Highlighting

I can’t count the hours I’ve spent hacking at a foolproof highlighter for HTML. But I’m nearing a really good approximation of foolproof. I’ve posted HTML::HiLiter to the Perl CPAN.

The really hard thing about this was creating a regular expression that is fast enough to be useful but accurate enough to work 99% of the time. I ended up using the HTML::Parser module, which is ‘fast enough’ and very powerful, due to the embedded C code and some good design. I’ve also looked at HTML::Tree but because HTML::Parser was a standard module in Perl 5.6.x it makes more sense to me right now to use a widespread standard. It increases the chance that folks might find HTML::HiLiter useful.

The most recent version (0.11) is due to get posted soon. I’m excited about it: I’ve improved the speed and accuracy, and added several features to help support my other recent project: SWISH::HiLiter — an extension to the SWISH::API class.

Both these projects are open source and come out of my Cray work on CrayDoc. A huge project for me, and a real learning experience: character encodings, HTML syntax, and the power of Perl regular expressions. I’d wager that my Perl skills increased %500 as a result of this project.

If you use it, let me know what you think.

perldoc 5.8.1

Just added the Perl docs for v 5.8.1 to the docs/ section. This is, of course, my favorite programming language… Now it’s searchable via the main search tool. No more waiting if is down.

glibc docs

I added the latest glibc docs to the docs section. Mostly because I needed a quick searchable reference as I teach myself C. Of course, I found out afterwards that glibc is not supported on Mac OS X, so it proved kind of moot. But at least the reference is handy and it was a good exercise in usability. I’ll probably use that method again.

new format

I’m playing with the blosxom plugin architecture. It’s pretty geek-cool (should I refer to that as GC?). So now I have an _intro file that always sorts to the top of my blog, but is just a regular blog file like the others. Ah, how I amuse myself.

I also moved the footer of the main page to the end of the blog instead of as a persistent frame. Seems like they take too much consistent real estate otherwise.

From the Holy Mountain

I just finished a report for my MLIS program on William Dalrymple’s excellent book, From the Holy Mountain: A Journey among the Christians of the Middle East.

The report involved a survey of local libraries with an eye toward if their collections would support the writing of a particular section of Dalrymple’s book. The gist is (surprise!) that our academic libraries are a better bet than our public libraries.

But don’t let that scare you off. This book is mesmerizing and funny, tragic and involving. Get a copy at your local (public) library.

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