Interesting chart showing the change in college graduate degrees by major over the last 40 years.
an eddy in the bitstream
Interesting chart showing the change in college graduate degrees by major over the last 40 years.
I share a birthday and a name with Eugene McCarthy. I also share his belief:
I’ve enjoyed Ari Shapiro’s reporting for NPR these last 10 years. Now I discover he can sing!
The lilacs are blooming here in Minnesota, and we celebrate.
So frustrated with my iPhone 3 (which I bought refurbished 2.5 years ago) I finally broke down and bought new iPhone 5. Wow. Wow wow wow. So this is the Mobile Experience everyone keeps talking about. I can actually read a web page and use the maps app and Do Things. Reminds me of the first Mac G3 I got after using a LC for several years (yes, I am that old).
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