The death throes of the mouse under the sink, in the trap I laid, evoke neither sadness nor pity. I turn Nick Drake up a little louder.
an eddy in the bitstream
The death throes of the mouse under the sink, in the trap I laid, evoke neither sadness nor pity. I turn Nick Drake up a little louder.
When I’ve got a lot going on in my life, I often don’t sleep well. That’s not unusual, I realize. Now I know that eight hours of sleep a night is a socal invention just like everything else.
My kids go to a Montessori school. As parents we have been very impressed by the philosophy of learning there, and our kids have thrived.
It should come as no surprise to me then that there is a strong link between the Open Source community and Montessori.
I live on the east side of St Paul. These big changes to the I-94 corridor would happen within a mile of where I live.
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